Thursday, September 18, 2014

August Number is $100

So yes... I am way late on this but a lot has happened.  Summer vacation ended and I started a new job with a different school district.  With all that a lot of selling didn't occur but I made tote bags for a friend's bridesmaids!

I think they turned out FABULOUS!!  

I also inherited a TON of thread from my grandmother... some of it was made before I was even born!  Some had price tags that said it was 59 cents!  I wish it were still that cheap!  Not all of it fit on my thread rack so I have a stock pile!

This month our money went to-

$50 to the Enberg family adopting Damaris and Jagger!  

$25 for the Anderson family adopting Danny and Wayne!

$25 for the Collier family adopting Nadia and Nancy!

I also got engaged to this guy!  Let the wedding planning begin!

Angel Tree sign up started and I will be a warrior for Trisha and Tyler!  Let's get these kids a forever family TOGETHER!

And the MOST exciting new EVER!  AnnaMarie has a family!

We have raised 2355 dollars!!!!